When they can’t afford to pay rent in Winter

Supporting Vinnies (from left to right): Gerard Heffernan, Chris Shortis, Erin Macarthur and Catherine Braybon. Photo: John McLaurin.
WHEN you can’t afford to pay your rent, do you risk falling deeper into debt, or do you face sleeping on the street? When you can’t afford to pay your energy bill, do you and your family decide to freeze in a cold home or to go hungry this Winter?
Every day in Australia, someone faces impossible choices like these.
“They need help from you and I to get through the winter,” Warwick Fulton, President of the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn, said when launching the 2018 Vinnies Winter Appeal.
People like Jenny who, after eight years of experiencing domestic violence, had the impossible choice of leaving home with nothing or living in fear for the rest of her life.
“Fortunately for Jenny and her young children, Vinnies was able to step in after she’d made her brave choice, help them to find somewhere to stay and now, with support, they are back on their feet,” Mr Fulton said.
Over 116,000* women, children and men are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness on any given night in Australia, a statistic Vinnies knows all too well.
It’s easy to forget that people struggling to make ends meet are people just like you and me. They face choices no-one should have to make.
A job loss, physical or mental health issues, toxic relationships – can all threaten someone’s security.
“From 2016 to 2017, Vinnies members provided over $1.8 million in direct assistance including food vouchers or parcels to people in need,” Mr Fulton added.
Winter is a very difficult time of year if you are homeless or you can’t pay for your heating or other essentials. Vinnies relies on generous donations from the community to support the Winter Appeal. To donation today, visit www.vinnies.org.au/winterappeal or call 13 18 12.