Ageing with grace and purpose

Mary Boyle and Maureen Hilton
Last month, the Parish Centre in Curtin hosted a transformative workshop, “Life is for Living: The Spirituality of Ageing,” organized by the Catholic Women’s Taskforce of the Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn. Good Samaritan Sister Kerin Caldwell, SGS, led the event, which aimed to explore ageing with grace and purpose.
The workshop drew participants eager to explore the spiritual aspects of ageing and find insights into living a fulfilling life in later years. Sr Kerin kicked off discussions by prompting attendees to think about living fully, even amid the challenges of ageing. Participants discussed choosing contentment over anger, acceptance over denial, and maintaining connections rather than isolating from loved ones.

Sr Kerin Caldwell and Dr Patricia Moroney
Drawing inspiration from Mother Teresa, Kerin guided attendees to view life as an opportunity, a beauty to admire, and a gift to cherish. She highlighted the role of faith in providing meaning and connection, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Kerin also urged participants to see leisure as vital for well-being later in life. She explained that leisure should be a soul-enriching experience, nurturing inner peace and connections with self, God, and others.
The workshop concluded with attendees feeling rejuvenated and optimistic. Under Kerin Caldwell’s expert guidance, the event offered a nurturing space for spiritual growth and reflection, affirming every stage of life’s inherent value and dignity.