Body Parts and Factions

For we are God’s co-workers; 
you are God’s field, God’s building.

All of us are members of Christ’s Body, the Church. St Paul reminds us today that there is a place for all of us in the Church. Part of the beauty of the Catholic Church is unity with diversity. Each of us has gifts to bring to the Church, and together we make a rich tapestry. Later in his letter to Corinthians, St Paul writes that all parts of the body are needed for the body to work. We need our hands, our feet, our heads, and all parts of our body.

It would seem strange if we started to say I am for my hand and not for my foot. In the same way, we are reminded today that we are for Christ and not for a particular faction.

We may be tempted to say, “I am for Francis, I am for Benedict, I am for this priest, this way of doing things, for this time period or even I am for this podcaster”. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to remind us of the truth of the universality of the Church and avoid cliques that can exclude others. Today we are challenged to remember that each of us is a part of the Church’s beauty. St Paul reminds us that we follow only one person: Jesus as he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.



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