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  • Beth Gibson 4 weeks

    Thank you Fr Trenton. I find Nativity scenes always prompt a response – What is that? Who are those people? What are they doing? Why do you put it there? And they are just the questions from our grandchildren!! It is a wonderful opportunity to tell the story of Christmas and tweek their curiosity and interest.
    Besides the infant Jesus, the figure of Mary is at the centre of the scene. As a child I did not realise how profound that is. But the place of this woman in the story of salvation is indeed profound. As a I grew older, I read the Magnificat, and what a revelation that was!
    A woman who could be fully present in the wonder and intimacy of giving birth, with all its pain and mess, and also be aware of the wider impact that this Child would have on the world and the challenge He would present to the old ways of living – how amazing!
    In our parish book club we read about Mary in terms of her Jewish life of faith – this added even further depth to my appreciation of this woman, Mary.
    Happy Christmas to all readers!