Law change would prevent weaponising activists through schools, says education leader

Dallas McInerney in his office in Sydney. PHOTO: Ben Conolly
Parents, students want education, not ideologies
The chief executive officer of Catholic Schools NSW Dallas McInerney says that a law to prohibit the teaching of gender ideology in schools in the state is a necessary “line in the sand” to support parents as well as to keep political ideology out of teaching materials.
The organisation supports Mark Latham’s ‘Parental Rights Bill’ currently being considered by parliament. The Bill aims to amend the state’s education legislation to ensure parents of students in New South Wales schools are aware of what is taught in their children’s classrooms.
It would stop schools from providing instruction on ideologically-based and political material that is inconsistent with the wishes and values of parents, and give parents the right to withdraw students from classes they object to.
In particular, the Bill seeks to prohibit the promotion of gender fluidity in schools while not affecting the rights of transgender students to support and wellbeing in schools. It has drawn criticism from some groups that believe such a law would ban all discussion of sexuality and gender in classrooms and further marginalise students with gender dysphoria.
Executive director of Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, Greg Whitby, broke ranks with peak body Catholic Schools NSW with a separate submission opposing the Latham Bill, stating that it “represents an unacceptable incursion into the professional judgement of Catholic schools and school systems”.
He told media that he believed the Catholic Schools NSW position “is an ill-informed approach to what the issues may or may not be”.
“It’s not for a school or a central office or dare I say even politicians to make those decisions,” he told media. “If you seek to codify those things, you are putting a personal perspective on what’s right and what’s wrong.”
Mr McInerney said that its submission to a parliamentary inquiry last month was the result of an “extensive consultation” with all 11 of the state’s diocesan school systems and congregational schools.
“It was a very well-informed document, and the end result of a representative exercise to consult far and wide and try to distil a common position for Catholic education on this very important issue and we successfully did that,” said the education leader. “There was one particular schools office who thought they needed to do something different and that’s their prerogative.”
In its submission, Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW), which represents almost 600 schools, 30,000 staff and 257,000 students, expresses support for the Bill, noting that such a prohibition already exists in the Education Act.
“Since 1880, government schools have been legislatively constrained to only teach religion in a general and neutral way and are prohibited from teaching polemical or dogmatic theology,” the submission said. “Consistent with that precedent, this Bill seeks to prohibit the teaching of gender fluidity ideology.”
However, Mr McInerney said the organisation has not given “a blank cheque” in support of the Bill. “We supported it with three very important contingents; that the professional standing of the teacher cannot be compromised, second, that it wouldn’t inhibit or limit our capacity to support these students in our schools, pastorally and in other ways, and third, that it would not capture and extend to normal discussions of this nature coming up through a student in the classroom in an organic sense,” he said.
He said he was confident that nothing in the Bill would stop or limit a school’s ability to support students in their schools who present with or experience gender dysphoria, and that decisions regarding these were ultimately to be made at the local level.
“There’s a line in the sand where if some activists are going to weaponise the school system against the interests of the parents then we cannot be silent.”
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, who joined with the Maronite Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay in support of the Bill, said in their diocesan submissions that it would promote greater transparency in teaching and resist the undermining of families wishing to pass on values and faith.
In a 27 April pastoral letter Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv confirmed his opposition to the Bill. The lives of students at risk “must not be made more intolerable by unjust laws such as elements of the ‘Latham’ Bill”, he wrote.
“Some have quickly made the judgement that our Catholic education system panders to dangerous ideology. I can assure you that we take all the vital questions of our culture seriously and reflect on them through the prism of Jesus’ solidarity with the marginalised.”
“If you seek to codify those things, you are putting a personal perspective on what’s right and what’s wrong.”, says Mr Whitby, laying down the law.
I should have thought one was enabling parents to make this decision for their children in accordance with their responsibilities as parents, rather than a school or system bureaucracy.
Interesting to see 2 significant Catholic education bodies expressing such different opinions! Also interesting to see the Bill under discussion is called the ‘Parents’ Rights Bill’. I wonder why Mr Latham chooses to focus on ‘parental rights’, when schools are actually mainly about children??? This includes children who are struggling with, and/or interested in, gender and sexuality issues. By using the term ‘ideology’, Mr McInerny, seems to be suggesting some sort of damaging world view is being proposed? Parents quite rightly are perfectly free and able to discuss these issues at home with their children. But in my experience as a school counsellor in Catholic schools for over 10 years, many parents find these topics very difficult to raise at home and often welcome input from the school, where other tricky issues are also discussed. Some families even struggle to discuss ‘straight forward’ heterosexual sexuality and are grateful for night meetings at school to help out! If we trust Catholic schools to teach and discuss other complex matters, why not these ones? It is of interest that most of this article outlines only one point of view – not very balanced!! Will we hear more from the people in Parramatta?
This bill is both unnecessary and could lead to harm being caused to LGBT students. It would inhibit the capacity of teachers and counselors to properly respond to and support children who may be struggling with their own sexuality
Who are these activists? Do they even have children of their own?
Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught at school. These activists seem bent on befuddleing the minds of our vunerable children.All 5 of my children I entrusted to Catholic schools and they were happy children where their education was based on mainstream subjects that would ensure a stable future. As a parent I would have been angry if if their minds were filled with fear that they might not be the sex that was on their birth certificatre. Shoved by uncertainty and worry.If there were problems most
parents would seek help through the correct medical channels.
This has become a huge problem since these activists started interfering in our schools and politicians are the last people who would deign to know a childs mind, the stages that children go through in childhood. While activists should never have a say in childrens lives. Every child is eunique, it’s up to parents to help them along in life.
God Bless our Catholic schools. My children grew up to be good citizens under their care.
Thank you.
This Bill is ideologically driven by elements of the Far Right of politics.This is political correctness gone mad . As a retired teacher who spent most of his career in Catholic Education, I feel this proposed legislation places teachers and schools in the Catholic System in a ‘straight jacket’. It is an attack on the professionalism of teachers and school leadership. From my experience, parents through the documentation given to their children, are informed at the start of a year the nature and scope of the teaching material will be covered by their teachers.Further parents are rarely trained or informed about the methodology of educational practice .Therefore they would be in no position to make an informed judgment about the material being taught to their children.
I am deeply concerned that our political leaders and the Catholic School leadership in New South Wales is demonstrating such a lack of trust in the professionalism and integrity of their teaching staff.
There is absolutely no reason why our hierarchy and education leadership should support such draconian legislation.I applaud and support Bishop Vincent Long and Mr Greg Whitby in their reported concerns.