Luca Florez: top goal scorer for Australia

Year 11 student Luca Florez was Australia’s top goal scorer.
Year 11 student Luca Florez traded the Aussie heat for the frigid cold of Europe in January, representing Australia in the 2019 Under16s All Australian Boys Football Team.
Luca played in Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England and was the lead goal scorer for Australia. He scored nine goals in nine matches. “Not many players from the ACT make the national team, so being the top goal scorer was a proud moment,” Luca said.
Playing as a striker, Luca said his biggest takeaway from the experience was “the opportunity to play with a good team, knowing my place and where I sit in Australian football.” A place that might include a position in one of Australia’s biggest youth academies with clubs such as Melbourne City and Western Sydney Wonderers taking an interest in the 16-year-old.
While football plays a major role in his life, Luca’s other passion is performing. “Football and sport are part of my life, but I’ve always enjoyed being able to explore my creative side through music and performing,” he said. As lead vocalist in the band Vermillion and a member of SFX’s funk band, Luca expresses his more inspired side through guitar, ukulele, piano and vocals.
Luca hopes to release an EP by the end of 2021 and to perform in next year’s school musical.

Year 12 SFX student Georgia Rice loves writing, martial arts and history.
She plans to join the Defence Force.