National Briefs

Dr Matthew Tan
THEOLOGIAN Dr Matthew Tan (pictured) will take up an appointment as Dean of Studies at Vianney College, the diocesan seminary for Wagga Wagga, next month. The appointment of a layman in the role in a diocesan seminary is rare. He has served as theology lecturer in a number of universities, most recently at Notre Dame Australia and Campion College in Sydney.
- The Catholic Weekly
MORE than 1000 students will be given back-to-school necessities through the St Vincent de Paul Society and a generous commitment from Amazon Australia. “Amazon Australia has provided one thousand $100 gift cards to the Society to distribute to families in need,” Vinnies National Council President Claire Victory said. “Vinnies offices in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia will each receive 180 gift cards, while 100 more will be distributed through the Canberra Goulburn office.”
- St Vincent de Paul Society

Fr Paul Stenhouse
THE extraordinary contribution of Missionary of the Sacred Heart priest Fr Paul Stenhouse (pictured) to the Church, scholarship, journalism and migrant families was recognised with an Australia Day award. The founder of Annals Australasia magazine, former chairman of Aid to the Church in Need Australia and international expert on Semitic cultures and languages, was posthumously awarded an Order of Australia Medal for his service to the Catholic Church in Australia.
- The Catholic Weekly