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  • Gary Potts 3 months

    Having the full story, about what transpired from day Α to day Ω would assist greatly. I bet the public is not told.

  • Chris Rule 3 months

    Well said Fr Tony.

  • Margaret Reynolds 3 months

    I agree totally..I went to meeting at cathedral, protested at all protests since feb.2022,and the boys are still outside the Governor –generals over 900 days later every morning at 10am.and begin with a prayer , attended the Senate enquiry at Parl House,have met the Pollies many times now and have been emailing them since Covid scam came in..They just keep on , keeping on. We have to fight–In prayer, emails , talking to public, writing letters, letterbox dropping and stopping their money flow. Watch Tucker Carlson–in melb and ACt–he was brilliant at what he has noticed they are doing to us. I saw him at the Hyatt–best $190 I ever spent.Thank you Father Tony., the Archibshop and all supporting your efforts.

  • Bill 3 months

    I still feel deeply saddened and frustrated when thinking of this unjust Labor – Greens decision. I can only hope that the current ACT Government gets soundly defeated at the next election and that proper compenstion is paid to Calvary.

  • Patricia Mangelsdorf 3 months

    As a matter of interest, did Calvary owners receive compensation for the take over of the hospital? Did any Ministers get involved in remonstrating against the Gov’t takeover, or is it simply that they have the power to take over anything they want?
    Has the Archdiocese been fighting on Calvary’s behalf?

  • Stephen Scroope 3 months

    I am loving this article. Agree wholeheartedly. Is there anything to stop the ACT Gov. from compulsorily acquiring Parliament House and moving in?