A real treasure

We treasure a good friend. There’s something quite, well, magical about having another person really care about you who isn’t part of your close family. Someone who quite independently of you at some time of the day thinks highly enough of you to pray for you or, say, phone and check how you are.

I have one friend in particular who does this from another part of the country every month or so. I get a real buzz out of his call.

I enjoy returning the compliment, although he is more diligent than I. On the other hand, I’m quite good at sending encouraging emails to friends and others I know. I know how good it can make them feel.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says “you are my friends”. Whenever I hear this or read it, it sends a thrill of excitement through my body. Jesus tells us we are his friends because he has made known to us everything his father taught him.

And to cap it all, Jesus chose me as a friend. He chose you too.

What a wonderful, captivating, amazing thing to happen to us.

Be assured, your friend Jesus will be checking in with you today. What does he have to say?


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