Bernard Holland new Director of Catholic Earthcare

The new head of Catholic Earthcare Australia, Bernard Holland: Photo Credit Nicole Clements, Caritas Aust
Caritas Australia is pleased to announce that Bernard Holland has taken up the position of Director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, which operates with its own organisational identity within Caritas Australia.
Bernard brings a lifetime of service to both Catholic education and environmental issues. In addition to his religious education and business administration qualifications, he served as a school principal for two decades and was Director of Eco-Schools, an environmental education program running in 64 countries.
He has also presented at the Earth Charter World Gathering, the World Environmental Education Congress and has been committed for many years to facilitating practical change linked to ecological renewal in Australia and overseas.
Bernard has started to engage with Australia’s Catholic community to promote awareness and action based on the principles of the Holy Father’s Laudato Si Encyclical of 2015.
His initial focus is to develop links across the Catholic Earthcare network and to learn about the work of many Catholic dioceses and agencies working in this area. He is reaching out to Catholic agencies or individuals who share Catholic Earthcare’s environmental focus.
Bernard is available for interviews and can be contacted at:
Any enquiries related to Catholic Earthcare Australia can be directed to Bernard on (02) 8306 3116/0400 156 249 or email

The new Director of Catholic Earthcare Australia, Bernard Holland centre pictured with Fr Stephen Hackett and Caritas CEO, Paul O’Callaghan.