Conversations on Faith welcomes Dr Robert Tilley

Dr Robert Tilley
To love someone is to want to know more about them. Who they really are, how they think, and what they want you to know.
The God who becomes Incarnate is no different.
To love Jesus is to want to know Him more and more. For to know Him is to love Him.
Yet such ‘knowing’ goes far deeper than some intellectual’ fact gathering’, or even worse, mere opinion.
Following the Angelus in July 2021, Pope Francis reflected upon Jesus’ teaching in the synagogue. The people were ‘astonished’, he recalls, because they thought they knew him; he was the carpenter’s son. “They knew Jesus, but they did not recognise him…There is a difference between knowing and recognising.” The Pope said.
“[People] may know things about someone, encounter him or her occasionally and form an opinion. But that ordinary, “superficial” knowledge has little to do with recognizing the uniqueness of a person. … We all run this risk: We think we know so much about a person, even worse, we use labels and close the person within our own prejudices.
People run the same risk with God, the Pope concluded.
True wisdom is found in knowing and experiencing the living God who has revealed Himself in human flesh; it is falling in love with the concrete, objective person of Jesus Christ.
This kind of knowledge, the kind God imparts, is an act of love, that act which is His own Son, made flesh. It is more than a piece of mere intellectual knowledge; it is the gift of true wisdom.
Conversations on Faith, presented by the Cathedral Young Adults, is an opportunity to grow in this kind of wisdom.
The 2022 series begins next Wednesday, 13 July, at 6 pm in the Haydon Hall.
For the first gathering in this series, welcomes Dr Robert Tilley, who will speak on Revelation.
Dr Tilley is a leading Australian Scripture scholar and lecturer at the Catholic Institute of Sydney.
He has lectured in the fields of Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Studies, as well as fine art and literature, at numerous Adult Education Colleges, including the University of Sydney, the Aquinas Academy, and later, the Catholic Adult Education Centre at Lidcombe.
Dr Tilley is a convert with a remarkable journey to Catholicism, which has enriched his desire to seek Truth Himself in Christ.
Please join us for an evening with Dr Robert Tilley.
Dr Robert Tilley is the author of:
“Revelation: Scripture.” In An Introduction to Philosophy and Theology within Catholic Liberal Education, edited by Angus Brook, 194–201. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
“Revelation: Tradition.” In An Introduction to Philosophy and Theology within Catholic Liberal Education, edited by Angus Brook, 202–9. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
Benedict XVI and the Search for Truth. Strathfield, NSW: St Pauls Publications, 2007.
“Justice, Mercy, and Predestination in Romans.” In Justice, Mercy and Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Peter G. Bolt and James R. Harrison, 89–109. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2020.
“Usury and the Interpretation of the Sacred Text.” In The Impact of Jesus of Nazareth: Historical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives, Vol. 1: Historical and Theological Studies, edited by Peter G. Bolt, James R. Harrison and Darrell Bock, 149–78. Macquarie Park, NSW: SCD Press, 2020.
“Crisis? What Crisis?: Gospel Criticism and the Ideological Use of an Illiterate Jesus Movement.” Journal of Gospels and Acts Research 3 (2019): 15–40.
“Mary the Temple of Scripture: The Biblical Art of Sacred Circumlocution.” In Mariology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium, edited by Kevin Wagner et al., 209–25. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2017.