Five minutes with… Sarah Larkin

Youth Minister Sarah Larkin.

Youth Minister Sarah Larkin.

How old are you? 

19 years old.

What school/s did you attend?

I attended Daramalan College, Dickson and St Thomas More’s Primary, Campbell.

What influenced you to become a Youth Ministry Worker?

Youth Ministry is something that I have always wanted to be a part of.  I want to make a difference in the lives of others, especially young people by simply being there for them in times of need. It is also a way for me to challenge myself and deepen my own faith.  

I am also quite involved in Campus Ministry at ACU, I was encouraged to apply for the role and I am so happy that I did! 

Are you full time or part-time in Youth Ministry?

I am a part-time Youth Minister at the South Belconnen Parish’s which includes St Vincent’s Primary School, Aranda and St Matthew’s Primary School, Page.

Are you working or studying elsewhere?

I am currently in my 2nd year studying a double degree in Nursing and Paramedicine at the Australian Catholic University.

What sustains your faith in an increasingly secular society?

I come from a family who is very committed to faith. I also find that knowing there are other young people who are involved in the life of the church makes me excited to be a part of it and leaves me wanting to be more involved myself. I find that surrounding myself with positive people who believe in the things that I do helps to sustain my faith in an increasingly secular society. 

What qualities would you like to bring to this role?

Enthusiasm, commitment and kindness.

What is your message to young people?

God is always looking out for you, let Him into your life.

What are you most looking forward to in the Year of Youth?

I am so excited to be working with other Youth Ministers and young people in the Year of Youth who have a similar vision and outlook on life to me. I am even more excited to be sharing my faith with students as a Youth Minister and giving more young people the opportunity to learn about Gods love and have a relationship with God.

Which is your favourite Saint?

St Mary Mackillop 

What is your favourite sporting team?

I’m not sure if I have one… I spend more time participating in sport rather than watching it.

What is your favourite food or beverage?

Fruit salad! and carrot sticks with hommus.

What is your favourite movie? 

There are way too many to choose from but I love anything Disney/Pixar

Who is your favourite actor/actress?

Emma Watson

What is your favourite book?

Also way too many to choose from but I’ve definitely read Harry Potter a few times. 

What music do you listen to most?

I’m a big fan of musicals, Ed Sheeran and Coldplay. 

What is your favourite place for a holiday?

Anywhere that I can go hiking or on an adventure.

What is your favourite quote, phrase or motto?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Work hard to make just one persons day a little bit better.


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