Former Raider Alan Tongue talks about respect at Sacred Heart, Cootamundra

Alan Tongue at Sacred Heart, Cootamundra.

Former Canberra Raider, Alan Tongue, with students at Sacred Heart Central School, Cootamundra.

Sacred Heart Central School students had a fantastic day on October 30 with a visit from former Canberra Raider, Alan Tongue.

Alan is currently working with the NRL as a one-community ambassador. In that capacity he delivers programs to schools, football clubs and communities across Australia and New Zealand.

One of his greatest achievements, he believes,  is his 8-week program titled ‘The Aspire Program’ with the aim to improve the lives of others.

For his visit to Sacred Heart, the theme for the day was RESPECT…due regard for the feelings, rights and wishes of self and others.

Respect, he said, starts by respecting yourself. That includes self-talk, the way you treat others, speaking positively, and how we treat our bodies in terms of food intake and exercise.

Another key theme was about how we each individually support and value add to our team. That team may be our friends, our home, our school and in the broader community.

A key part of that is being mindful of the way we speak to others (including online), to speak positively, treat others with respect and equality and to do our best to help members of our team be their best.

By building others up, we each gain individually and as a community. We become more inclusive, embrace others’ differences and everyone wins.

There is no place for put downs at Sacred Heart. We continue to build a strong, supportive and inclusive community for all.

  • Story courtesy Sacred Heart Central School, Cootamundra.
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