Homebush seminarian a welcome visitor to Merimbula

Parishioners of the Pambula Parish enjoyed the recent visit of Eden Langland from the Homebush Seminary. 

Staying for a month with  Fr Pale at the Merimbula Presbytery, Eden experienced many aspects of the life of a parish priest in a country parish. 

At the same time Eden endeared himself to all who met him and we shall keep him in our prayers as he continues his studies for the Priesthood.


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  • Anne Rosewarne 6 years

    Now the Parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish O’Connor are enjoying a visit from Eden who is filling in while Fr.Paul is away. Without him we would be without a Word and the opportunity to receive the Eucharist on weekday mornings and at the same time endearing himself to the regular Morning Mass Parishioners. God bless you Eden.