Installation of Fr. Lolesio Gisa

In early February, the Parish of St. Anthony’s Church in Our Lady of Mercy Parish Harden/Murrumburrah welcomed its new priest, Fr. Lolesio.

Archbishop Christopher Prowse presided at the Sunday parish Mass, which included the installation of Fr Lolesio as the new priest for the parish. 

“It was a very significant liturgical event and much appreciated by the gathering of parishioners who attended,” said Archbishop Christopher. “Many of the people subsequently commented on how much they enjoyed the experience.”

Before appointed as parish priest of St. Anthony’s Church in Harden/Murrumburrah, Fr. Lolesio spent several years as assistant priest at Mary Queen of Apostles Parish, Goulburn. There were many in attendance both from Harden/Murrumburrah, Jugiong and Cootamundra. Also present were members of the ACT Samoan community.

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