National and World Briefs

POPE Francis appointed eleven new Cardinals last Saturday, including seven Cardinal-electors under the age of eighty. At the seventh consistory of his pontificate the Pope encouraged the Cardinals to be “always on the road” as they faced the risks of priestly life. The ceremony was a quiet affair, held at Saint Peter’s Basilica with a reduced congregation.
Catholic Herald

CARDINAL Pell has conducted his first interview with a Catholic publication since his release from prison, stating “the key to life is found in Christ’s words” as he reflected the endurance of his faith. The Cardinal’s false imprisonment and trials will be covered in the first volume of his book Prison Journal, to be published by Ignatius Press on December 4th
National Catholic Register

IN welcoming an initiative to increase teachers’ mental health training, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Schools NSW Dallas McInerney noted that the Catholic school system already provides extensive pathways and support for those dealing with mental health issues. McInerney said that since the initiatives reflect long-standing Government concern, “we need to make sure we don’t walk past a solution that’s right in front of us”.
Catholic Weekly

VINNIES’ national president Claire Victory has requested an urgent meeting with PM Scott Morrison to avoid a “homelessness crisis” by considering greater investments in social housing. Following bad news of Australia’s housing market in the release of the 2020 Rental Affordability Index, Ms Victory stated that the problem “requires significant political leadership from the Prime Minister down”.
Catholic Leader



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