National Briefs

SISTER Angela Mary Doyle from Brisbane’s Mercy Hospital received a belated birthday gift worth $1 million last week. The hospital’s first and former administrator turned 95 in August and, to celebrate, close friends and philanthropists Maha Sinnathamby and Bob Sharpless gave her a late gift. It will be put towards turning her former convent into a sanctuary for families battling postnatal depression.  The Catholic Leader, Brisbane.

APPLICATIONS are open for an Australian women’s leadership program that has been held up as an international example.

The Leadership for Mission program, a joint initiative of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Australian Catholic University, is a postgraduate program for women aged 25 to 35. It is delivered through three residential sessions over 18 months. – ACBC Media Blog.

OCTOBER is proving to be a bounty of vocational activity for the Diocese of Broken Bay. Bishop Anthony Randazzo received the Profession of Faith, Oath of Fidelity and Personal Declarations of Freedom from three ordinands, who are to be ordained deacons this month. – The Catholic Weekly, Sydney.
ST GERARD Majella’s family feast day celebrations in Melbourne on Sunday, October 18, will be live streamed to the world for the first time due to the COVID-19 lockdown. About 50 people usually attend the celebration but this year live streaming on Facebook will take it beyond Melbourne and Australia from 2.30pm at


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