Over 18: Parent forum and documentary screening

Parent Forum & Documentary Screening
on the impact of
online pornography on children and young people.

DATE AND TIME: Thu. 18 October 2018 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm AEDT
LOCATION: Edmund Rice Centre – St Edmund’s College
Enter via McMillian Cres, parking also available on Canberra Avenue
ENQUIRIES: lara.kirk@cg.org.au 0429 192 869
BOOKINGS: http://bit.ly/over18doco
This event is free but bookings are essential.

Last year, a survey of Pastoral Care, Religion & Health teachers across the Archdiocese revealed a pressing need to better equip PARENTS to provide guidance to their children regarding relationships and sexuality. Teachers felt that many parents feel overwhelmed and ill equipped to address the challenges their children are facing, especially online. In response, the Archdiocese is partnering with Archdiocesan Secondary Schools to run Parents Forums aimed at equipping parents of primary school students.

St Edmund’s College will host the first parent forum and documentary screening on Thursday, 18th October 2018.

Watch Trailer

OVER 18 is a clear-eyed examination of modern pornography and its effects on kids, teens, parents, and porn stars. In addition to interviews with porn producers, ex-porn stars, and academics, directors Jared and Michelle Brock highlight the story of Joseph, a 13 year-old boy who is recovering from a porn addiction that he fell into when he was nine years old. The film compares what porn used to be in the magazine era and what it’s become in the age of the internet, and demonstrates why kids in particular are susceptible to addiction.

Note: There are no explicit images in the film. However, some of the language and terms may be shocking or unfamiliar. This is the unfortunate reality of what children and youth are being exposed to online.


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