So many deceivers

We may well be tempted to believe that there has seldom been a time in world history when there has been so many public deceivers.

Social media madness and blatantly dishonest political leaders, among others, have made most of us wonder how we recognise “what is truth”.

John today warns a church community whom he obviously cares deeply about that “there are many deceivers in the world refusing to believe that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”.

He could say the same thing today, Friday, and be just as spot on.

Even more reason, then, for us to cling to the one who embodies truth.

The psalmist cries out to God, “I have sought you with all my heart”.

This truly is the way through today’s deception; not lying in judgment of others, or despairing, or worst of all participating in the deceptions.

Rather, adopting a calm, prayerful and determined focus on the one who saves.

“Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.”


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