With us

The story of Emmaus may have a more profound meaning for us this Easter. The two disciples were walking away from Jerusalem despondently. They had heard from the women that Jesus had risen but this had not penetrated their grief. Jesus comes and walks with them and asks them why are they so down. He listens to them as they tell of their woes and then he begins to teach them. This is an important insight for us at this time. We know that Jesus has risen but we are still saddened by what we see in the world and we may not be able to see where his resurrection power is at work. 

Jesus shows us in today’s reading that he is ready to listen to our pain and then to show us how he has been working throughout time. He reminds the disciples and he reminds us that he is a faithful God and he is the God who saves. What we see today is that we have a God who draws near to us and asks us today what is that is troubling our hearts. He is walking with us and he is inviting us to share our burdens with Him. He is also inviting us to listen to him as he responds to our deepest needs.

Lord help us to be aware of you walking beside us at this time


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