Young adults in a hypersexualised world

A TALK from Paul Ninnes on ‘how to live out your faith in a hypersexualised world’ was the catalyst for 40 Young adults who gathered at St Christopher’s Pastoral Centre earlier this month.
A TALK from Paul Ninnes on ‘how to live out your faith in a hypersexualised world’ was the catalyst for 40 Young adults who gathered at St Christopher’s Pastoral Centre earlier this month. Mr Ninnes, a co-founder and director of RealTalk shared his personal experience and opened up to the floor for discussion.
He helped lead the group to realise the reality that so many young people are growing up in a world which is saturated by sex.
Young adults present said that they valued the talk and wished that more of their friends could have heard it – particularly given how little hyper-sexualisation is spoken about. Archdiocesan Youth Minister Hannah McMahon, said that “Paul Ninnes was incredible. ‘Living in a hypersexualised world’ is such a big topic for young adults in our society, and he shared such knowledge and insight!
“It was so great to come together as Young Adults in the Archdiocese, and I’m looking forward to more of these formation sessions throughout the year!”
There will be more formation opportunities for young adults developing across the Archdiocese. For more information about RealTalk go online to
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