150 days until 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival

About 5000 young people are expected to attend ACYF19/Giovanni Portelli Photography
The countdown is on with only 150 days until doors open on the fourth Australian Catholic Youth Festival, to be held in Perth from December 8-10.
With an anticipated 5000 young people taking part in ACYF19, groups from every Australian state and territory have begun registering and preparing for an incredible and unique encounter of the Church in Australia.
ACYF19 director Malcolm Hart said he was encouraged by the variety of groups registering for Festival and the planning undertaken for the largest and most diverse national Catholic event.
“The Festival is a celebration of young people and the Church as one body. It will be a living embodiment of Pope Francis’ post synod exhortation, Christus Vivit, where Church leaders and young people will come together to share experiences, challenges and joys of life,” Mr Hart said.
“In a special way, the Festival will explore the Plenary Council themes as part of the national journey we are on together.”
The Festival promises to be an exciting and powerful event for youth aged from year 9 up to the age 30.
Mr Hart said group leaders and young people should register as soon as possible to ensure they have all their details in order before the close of group registrations on September 12.
The group registration process can be completed by the group coordinator online at www.acyf.org.au. Participants 18 years or older can register as individuals or as part of a local group. All participants aged under 18 years of age must register as part of a group.
As the Festival draws closer, the organising committee continues to work hard to ensure the event will be a rich experience in which young Australian Catholics can deepen their faith on fertile local soil. ACYF19 will have a particular focus on the Church in Western Australia, Indigenous young people and those with varying abilities.
The three-day event is an initiative of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, hosted in partnership with the Archdiocese of Perth. The official theme of the Festival is “Listen to what the Spirit is Saying”, and will highlight the work of the Plenary Council 2020.
ACYF19 will be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC), centrally located to the CBD and public transport, with the final Mass to take place on the oval of Trinity College.
For more information about the Festival, go to www.acyf.org.au