Archbishop Christopher encourages student leaders

Students from St Clare’s gather with Archbishop Christopher in front of the school’s St Clare’s statue which depicts the saint as a young women

It’s not every day that the Archbishop arrives at your school on his bicycle.

Archbishop Christopher greeted students and staff in this way at St Clare’s College last Friday.

He began the visit with morning tea with staff, which gave teachers the chance to talk about how they have rebounded from the challenges of 2020.

In a visit to a Year 12 World Religions class, he was given insights into how the college is delivering one of two new and exciting Board of Senior Secondary Studies courses in the study of religion.

He arrived in time to discuss Michelangelo’s Pieta. Year 12 students were treated to a masterclass in art history on the religious significance of this work, and potential ethical questions on the cultural appropriation of religious art.

The student leadership team led a forum discussion, learning that the Archbishop himself was a college captain when he was in Year 12.

Captain Laura Spellic agreed that the challenges of leadership placed significant demands on time management, seeking the Archbishop’s advice about the qualities leaders required.

Archbishop Prowse reminded the leaders of their role in a Catholic community as courageous people of faith, encouraging students to develop personal relationships with Christ, as well as the importance of enacting this faith through works of service for others.


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