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  • John Donnelly 6 years

    That is very encouraging news. As parents of a Downs young man who has lost his sight in one eye, we are grateful for ArchBishop Peter’s appeal for the lives of Greg and his many disabled colleagues. They need space and opportunities. I know it well. Childhood polio jiggered every job I have had.
    The time is right for governments to force the banks and the likes of AMP to provide basic superannuation for them and the hundreds of thousands of workers and farmers for whom compulsory superannuation has been a nasty joke.

  • Warren_Des 6 years

    Last night I attended a joyous celebration at St Patrick s Cathedral in East Melbourne. The Cathedral was overflowing with people who had gathered to welcome our new Archbishop, Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli (Ninth Archbishop of Melbourne) at the Liturgical Reception and Solemn Mass. The Mass was a wonderfully uplifting Eucharistic celebration and a very warm welcome for Archbishop Comensoli as he began his ministry in the Melbourne Archdiocese. He succeeds Archbishop Denis Hart who was Archbishop from 2001 to 2018.