Darkness overcome

I have come into the world as light to prevent anyone who believes in me from staying in the dark.

Have you ever been out at night and unable to see? This darkness can be very disorientating and can make us feel insecure. It is challenging to know which way to go. Then all of a sudden, light pierces the darkness enabling us to see where we are going. Jesus tells us that he has come into the world to be this light. Believing in Jesus means we do not need to stay in confusion and the isolation of darkness.

What does believing in Jesus mean? How do we gain this light in our lives? Is it just knowing that Jesus is God and that he loves us, or is believing more than this? Perhaps it is just following precepts and rules and attending Church.

To believe means to accept something as true, and so to believe in Jesus, we need to know what Jesus said and to hold it as true. Do we believe him when he says, “I have come to give life and life to the full,” or when he says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.” Do we act like we believe this? Or are we still wandering around in the dark? Today Jesus invites us to truly believe in him so we may no longer walk in darkness.

Lord help us to risk listening and act upon your words.


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