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  • conor bradley 5 years

    For a different and more positive review of The Two Popes I suggest readers visit https://www.catholic.org.au/film-reviews-2019/the-two-popes by The Australian Catholic Film Office.

    The film is not only on Netflix; it is being shown locally at Dendy, Canberra and, in my opinion, is well worth a visit.

  • Don Smith 5 years

    There’s Oscar buzz about the Two Popes and for good reason.

    I found it a surprisingly absorbing story with several touching and funny scenes. Pryce and Hopkins are sublime as Francis and Benedict XVI respectively and they bring a very special chemistry to their performances. It’s true that there’s more depth to the Francis character as portrayed but in the end, I came to like and admire both characters equally. The “good pope” versus the “not so good pope” (or the liberal versus the conservative) was not the story I took from it at all.

    There were bigger fish being fried: of a world with God and a world without, of a world with the gifts of love and joy, forgiveness and redemption, suffering and pain; and those in a hurry to change the world and those who are aren’t. The Two Popes touches on all these themes.

    It had a behind-the-scenes feel, so exquisitely filmed with an intimacy so natural you don’t even notice the beauty behind it. Certainly, the photography didn’t get in the way of the story telling.

    Look for the great pizza scene between the two characters. Perhaps the greatest pizza scene in moviedom.

    I enjoyed the film for what it was. A great tale, well told.