Forum engages youth of the Archdiocese

Students from across the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn gathered for a Youth Forum on October 24.

The Forum was one of a number of events and activities that have been organised in this Year of Youth to bring young people together and encouraged discussion and engagement on the role of youth in the Church, and the role of the Church for youth.

The Forum included discussions and presentations about youth, education and teacher formation and opened doors to the processes going on in the Catholic Church.

“Today was really affirming to have the church bring us into what they’re doing,” said St Clare’s College Year 11 student Elena Catanzariti.

“We got to reflect on our life experiences and see how we could contribute to the church from that.”

Malia Harrison from Merici College said the most poignant aspect of the forum for her was examining the impact of leadership in the Church and all of the social aspects of how the Church impacts in our lives.

Bartholomew Bunk from Daramalan College also felt that leadership was one of the strong take away points from the forum.

“Today was an awesome opportunity to have discussions with other youth about where the church is headed,” Bartholomew said.

“We talked about the leadership and the youth voice in the church.”

The Youth Forum followed directly on from the Mission Mass held earlier that morning in St Christopher’s Cathedral which was attended by over 600 staff, students, catechists and faithful from across the archdiocese.

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