Healthy relationships for the new YOU

L-R: Georgia Whittaker, Neve Tually and Georgia Breynard. Picture: Supplied
CATHOLIC parents in Murrumbateman are piloting the new YOU youth resource in a bid to help local teenagers develop healthy relationships skills in the midst of a sex-saturated culture.
YOU is a 10 week program which presents church teaching on relationships and sexuality in a very positive and contemporary way.
The program includes 20 minute video presentations, small group discussions and student workbooks as well as detailed outlines for interested parents and for the program facilitator.
So far the Murrumbateman group has been running for six weeks. Eleven girls aged 15 to 18 have been attending. Fifteen year-old Kate says the program is “really engaging” and presents Church teaching “in a way I hadn’t really thought about before”.
“It gives you a new way to think about things”.
Sixteen year-old Clare says she is really loving the “community aspect” of the program – “getting together with other girls and feeling supported in my faith journey”.
The two parent organisers, Anna Healey and Zenka Taffe, wanted to keep the momentum going for the group of young girls who had recently attended and enjoyed the parish Alpha course.
They settled on the YOU program on recommendation from staff at the Archbishop’s Office of Evangelisation.
Mrs Healey, was nervous about running something for young people but says that the starter pack they purchased gave such detailed instructions that it has been pretty straightforward. They also approached some younger married women in the parish with experience in youth ministry and teaching to help facilitate the small group discussions.
Mrs Healey, says the parents are learning a lot themselves about how an authentic Catholic view of sexual morality is “not primarily about following rules, but about valuing our own God-given identity and calling so we can be free to love others in a healthy way”.
Mrs Healey, says she would highly recommend the program to any parent, youth minister or teacher who would like to start an ‘opt in’ discussion group for those young people who are looking for more and want to go deeper in understanding their faith on a personal level.
The YOU program starter pack can be purchased from Parousia Media for $160 – go to
Alternatively it can be borrowed from the Archbishop’s Office of Evangelisation.
Contact for more information.