Home prayer kits at the coast

HOME prayer kits which include a small jar of holy water and blessed candle have proved a hit at St Bernard’s parish in Batemans Bay.

They have been so popular the parish liturgy team has had to make more.

“Each kit contains a small jar of holy water, a blessed candle, two holy cards, some suggested prayers and articles for spiritual reflection,” parishioner Joe Quigley said.

Under the leadership of Phil Billington and Cecilia Jackson, the prayer kits were initially prepared for elderly people.  But when public Masses stopped and the churches were shut extra kits were produced.

“Fr Martins has great faith in the priesthood of the laity through baptism and is always looking to get parishioners to spread the good news,” Joe said.

“A few weeks ago we had Mass and thought the restrictions were bad enough.  Then we had physical distancing which we enforced by placing ribbons on alternate pews and strategically placing prayer cards to mark the two-arms gap between worshippers.

“Then we learned there would be no public Mass and the church would be shut.  But people have shown amazing resilience.”






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  • Colleen reed 4 years

    Great work st bernards, Phil and Cecilia. Much used I’m sure. Just need to do things differently.