John Paul II College joins in Vinnies Sleepout

Sleeping at school (and not during class time). Photo Chris Gordon.
Every year when the Vinnies CEO Sleepout takes place in cities and towns around Australia, smaller versions of the event take place at schools and other centres… not for CEOs but for students and members of the Community.
St John Paul II College has been holding sleepouts parallel to the CEO sleepouts for 6 years and this year raised close to $15,000 for homelessness.
Organised by Mrs Haines and Mrs Zorzi, the sleepout included a series of events including guest speakers from the Vinnies Gungahlin Conference, Trivia, dodgeball and a liturgy throughout the evening for the (150) participating students before they braved the -4 cold outside.
In the morning students were treated to breakfast prepared by teachers and students in the College Canteen, before facing a full day of school.
College Captain Chloe McGovern and Peace Leader Maddie Greenwood said “The sleepout was a challenging but fulfilling experience – to bear the -4 degrees – this was only for one night of rough sleep – imagine having to do that every night!?”
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Congratulations to the students, their parents and the staff of John Paul 11 College for their enthusiasm and willingness to become involved in this challenge to help others in need. May you all be richly blessed for your wonderful spirit and thoughtfulness.