Living Word Reflection: Sleeper, wake!

David was something of a sleeper; hidden in plain sight but somehow connected with ‘the spirit of the Lord.’

As Paul says in Ephesians, he was illuminated by the light and turned into light, ‘having nothing to do with the futile works of darkness, but exposing them by contrast.’

What is being asked? Look at Jesus opening eyes. Humble work to make a paste of dirt and spittle; profound work to bring the light, to myself as well as others.

Look beneath surfaces. Illuminate the hidden worth.

Sleeper, wake! ‘Try to discover what the Lord wants of you.’

Readings at Mass>>


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  • Connie Cummings 4 years

    Thank you for the delightful surprise to find Sunday Mass on Line, and for the beautiful words from the bishop.

  • DAS 4 years

    Thank so very much for posting today’s mass. Wonderful homily as well!