My Christmas Wish: across the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese


Sometimes it’s something grand, noble and universal, sometimes it’s something individual and practical, but we all have our private wishes, and even more so at Christmas. We asked some people from across the Archdiocese what their Christmas wishes were and here are their answers. Why not add your Christmas wishes to the comments section below this story.

Maria Hicks, Institute for Professional Standards and Safeguarding Manager (1)

My Christmas wish is that every child be treated as the precious gift they are; nourished by the love of their family and friends and filled with the wonder and awe of the Christmas season. May everyone enjoy a safe and happy Christmas.

Victor Dunn, Chancellor of the Archdiocese (2)

At Christmas time I think in particular of the children of the world. Not that I do not think of them throughout the year but Christmas brings a sharper focus. I reflect how Jesus was born in a manger to a loving family and I was born in a hospital to a loving family.

What little we know of Jesus’ childhood it seems to have been pretty normal as was my childhood through the late forties and fifties. My wish is that children the world over could experience the same love, peace, and security that I did.

Father Joshy Kurien, Dean of Western Deanery (3)

Let us stand in front of the crib for a few moments in silence and wonder, and slowly closing our eyes knowing that, here, Jesus is finding us, loving us and cuddling us with tenderness, experiencing a deep sense of joy and peace.

Michele Murdock, Manager Catholic Development Fund (4)

After a busy year, I wish for a Christmas enjoying some quiet time in the company of family and friends. I look forward to our joyous outdoor Christmas Eve celebration at St Mary’s Church, Bungendore with clear skies above us. Safe travel to those on the roads and a blessed Christmas & Happy New Year to all!

Barnie van Wyk, ACT CEO St Vincent de Paul Society (5)

May this Christmas and every day from then on may we pause daily and take stock of the gifts our life bestows on us; showing gratitude for what we have, and that every single person we meet and engage with be treated equally – because we all matter.


Father Martins Aloga, Dean of Coastal Deanery (6)

Christmas is here again, and Christ is the reason for the Season. We use this opportunity to wish the Archbishop, Christopher Prowse, his ‘alter ego’, Fr. Tony Percy VG, and the People of God in the Archdiocese a joyful yuletide. All roads lead to the Coast! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us in the Coastline of the Archdiocese

Father Tony Percy, Vicar General of the Archdiocese (7)

I think gratitude is a good way to approach Christmas. Mary and Joseph found a simple abode for the first Christmas, among the animals and probably the stench. Hard to think that they weren’t grateful for such accommodation, shielding them from the elements. So, yes, I am thankful for the water I drink, the food that nourishes me, the family and friends in my life. And I am grateful for the Baby who has shown his tenderness and love for me – for us

Ross Fox, Director Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (8)

My Christmas wish this year is that 2019 continue to fill our school communities with hope, joy and wonder. That our students continue to grow and thrive in the understanding of their faith. Advent blessings to everyone, stay healthy and safe this holiday season.

Camilla Rowland, CEO Marymead Child & Family Centre (9)

That people in the community are generous with their care, support and time for each other, and that they consider the Christmas message of renewal and joy in showing their appreciation for those in their family, and helping those in need.

Helen Delahunty, Archdiocesan Financial Administrator (10)

My wish is for all our Archdiocese to rest and enjoy a break after a long and busy year. We have another big year ahead of us, so we need to be ready for it. Enjoy a happy Christmas with your loved ones

Mike Cassidy, Chairman – Catholic Social Justice Commission (11)

A group of parishioners in every parish, committed to social justice, holding the candidates in our forthcoming NSW and Federal elections to account on justice issues. A flood of letters to Prime Minister Morrison to get all the kids off Nauru and to restore hope to all on Nauru and Manus by resettling them.

Father Richard Thompson, Dean of Central Canberra Deanery (12)

As we approach the Christmas season I sincerely wish all in the Central Canberra Deanery a joyous and peaceful Christmas. On behalf of the clergy I thank all parishioners who have showed loving support to those of us in active and retired ministry. In these challenging times your support makes all the difference as we all struggle to regain the innocence exhibited in the events of the Christ child’s birth. Every blessing upon you and yours.

Father Dermid McDermott, Dean of Northern Deanery (13)

This year in Goulburn the crib will be behind a barbed wire fence with a sign directing the Holy Family to Christmas Island. Perhaps this may direct thoughts to why Jesus came into the world in the first place: Self-sacrificing love, not puppy love. We really do need to put Jesus back into Christmas and in perspective too.





Wordpress (5)
  • Joseph Quigley 6 years

    My big wish is that the People of God unite behind Pope Francis as he tries to bring us back to the spirit of selfless love that drove the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to become a human being by starting life in the womb of an unmarried Jewish teenager. My local wish is that my fellow parishoners experience the joy of having God among us and feel driven to praise & thank God for the many blessings we have all received in our Christian community.

  • Colleen howe 6 years

    Of all of the comments I was particularly touched by Dermid Mc in Goulburn.  How different and yet how in touch and grounded in the reality of Christ in the world now.  Beautiful!

  • Conor 6 years

    Good for you, Fr Dirmid. You always give us something to challenge comfortable ideas.

  • Conor 6 years

    I wonder why Fr Dirmid’s contribution (above) was not included in the December edition of the Catholic Voice newspaper. Page 5 in the latter is exactly the same as this article. Merely an editorial mistake? Or was Fr Dirmid’s wish a bit too confronting for some in the Chancery?

    • Catholic Voice 6 years

      The reason why Fr Dermind’s wish was not included in the print edition is simply a deadline issue. The Catholic Voice had to meet the scheduling of an external service provider to get the December print edition out on time. The Voice’s digital presence provides its readers with updated stories as new content comes to hand. Print and digital -the best of both worlds!