Primitive and Punchy
The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1).
The Book of Genesis reminds us:
In the beginning there was ‘darkness, emptiness and chaos.’ God speaks a ‘word’ and light, fullness and order emerge (Genesis 1).
With Jesus – the Word made flesh – we have a new beginning after the chaos of sin, but there is more grace and power on display.
The baptism of John is one of repentance, but Jesus bequeaths a baptism in the Holy Spirit:
Someone is following me, someone who is more powerful than I am … I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise in the Holy Spirit.
Hang on for the ride.
The mystery of Jesus of Nazareth is now manifest:
His new teaching
His wholesome healings
His forgiveness of sins (Mark 1 & 2).
Four specific cases of exorcisms display the authority of Jesus and the power of the Spirit:
The demoniac in the synagogue (Mark 1)
The possessed man of Gerasa (Mark 5)
The Canaanite woman’s daughter (Mark 7)
The ‘epileptic’ boy (Mark 9).
There is no doubt.
Mark is the most primitive and punchy Gospel, ‘cutting like a double-edged sword.’