Raiders Sia Soliola signs up to Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Canberra Raider Sia Soliola.
Canberra Raiders player Sia Soliola has signed up to join Canberra Toyota’s team at this year’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout at Canberra Airport.
“I’ve always been motivated to work with people experiencing homelessness. For the past few years I’ve been involved with the Early Morning Centre’s soup kitchen which has allowed me to connect with the homeless community,” said Sia.
“My mum had a big heart, and belief in servanthood and instilled in me a commitment to help those less fortunate and those in need,” he said.
“I’m fortunate that my club has supported my involvement in these activities,” he said.
When Mirko Milic from Canberra Toyota, and David Tyack from Canberra Milk spoke to Sia about the Vinnies CEO Sleepout he knew it was another way in which he could help people in his local community.
This will be the third year the Raiders star player has attended the event, and the second year he has slept out to raise funds for Vinnies.
Funds raised from the Vinnies CEO Sleepout go to services and programs in the Canberra/Goulburn region designed to help break the cycle of poverty, and to support those at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness.
“We’re happy to have Sia back on board this year, and grateful for his support in raising funds to support Vinnies essential services,” said Barnie van Wyk, CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn.
As for sleeping on cardboard in the cold, Sia said, “Last year I really underestimated Canberra’s cold weather!”
To support Sia’s efforts please visit:
The Archdiocese’s own Financial Administrator, Helen Delahunty, is another of the many participants in this year’s sleepout, and you can donate to her fundraising here.