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  • Deacon Mick & Cora O'Donnell 4 years

    What a great story. My old friend Colliss expresses his sentiments of grandparenting so well. As a married clergy person (ordained in 1991 at St Christopher’s) and great grandfather of 11 beautiful children, I salute this acknowledgment of our role in highlighting the place of the elders and their wisdom to share with our off-spring. The Lord is good. Deacon Mick and Cora O’Donnell.

  • Colliss Parrett 4 years

    Thank you Deacon Mick and Cora O’Donnell….It has been one of my great pleasures in life to have known you. And, God willing, I will be at the gate when you arrive. Please keep praying earnestly for me, and as you know I always keep you in my prayers. GOD BLESS and via con Dios………..