Three parishes together

Fr Tony Percy Vicar General with Fr Adrian Chan and Fr Mick MacAndrew
With the retirement of Fr Peter Miller as the parish priest of Jindabyne Fr Mick MacAndrew gets the opportunity to wear his warm possum/merino knitwear with greater regularity as he takes on the administration of the mountain parish. The third parish in his stable – Bombala, Cooma and Jindabyne. In Fr Mick’s words, “Three parishes together.”
At a recent meeting in Cooma with Vicar General, Fr Tony Percy, Fr Mick and Fr Adrian Chan (Assistant Priest) discussed how best to provide for the communities across the three parishes stretching from Thredbo to Delegate. Fr Mick has decided that his first priority is to listen to his new parishioners.
“I plan to meet with the Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils in each of the parishes and to listen to them. That is, to talk to the people on the ground and get to know the story of their respective parishes,” Fr Mick said.
After meeting with the councils Fr Mick proposes to facilitate joint meetings where the notion of ‘Three Parishes Together’ will be more fully explored.
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“With Fr Percy’s assistance we have drafted a Mass schedule that we will discuss with the councils,” Fr Mick explained.
“My intention is to trial the schedule for six months seeking feedback from the parishioners.” Fr Mick went on to say, “The community of Bombala has, for some years managed without a resident priest and has very ably organised Liturgies of the Word on those occasions when Mass was not an option.”
There is no doubt that ‘Three Parishes Together’ will keep Fr Mick and Fr Adrian very busy.
Well hello! Fr Mick it has been so very many years since I have seen you but I am sure that you were the priest that celebrated the married my daughter and son
in law way back 26yrs ago @ Saint Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra.
So glad you are still out there spreading the word.
God Bless
All the best to Fr Mick and Fr Adrian with the massive workload of ministry to the people of the snowy as they work across FOUR parishes. Adaminaby parish is also included in this group.
This decision to make the Monaro/Snowy Mountains one parish isn’y really surprising given a dearth of priests but I do find it worrying.
A recipe for burn-out as Fathers Mick and Adrian try to meet the Sacramental and pastoral needs of so many. Aged, drought-affected and isolated parishioners must call the laity to ministry rather than ‘leave it to Father’. With no change in the nature of priesthood in sight our Australian church MUST engage in a realistic discussion of the availability of Eucharist in our rural communities and who is called to be priest.