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  • Martin Dunn 2 years

    Is there any update on the persecution of Cardinal Zen by the Chinese government authorities?

  • Zhi 2 years

    The deal is based on the false hope that the Chinese regime would be faithful on their side of deal. As a matter of fact, the deal plays into the hands of Chinese regime, which publicises this as an approval from Pope to crush the underground church. The faithful in the underground church feel abandoned. Besides, this deal has in fact served as more of rubber stamps for the bishops loyal to Chinese regime. Another side effect of this deal is that Pope would be refrained from critisise the human rights issues in China.

  • Brenden T Walters 2 years

    Why not call it what it is. Francis throws the Chinese members of the underground church under the rickshaw for two billion a year. Of course, the China Deal is directly related to the matter of Zen, Martin Dunn, read the trumped-up charges.