WYD Blog: January 26 – Reflecting on WYD so far



From Fr Adrian Chan:

Never have I seen so many young people at a Christian event nor so many flags from all over the world!

There is still much hope for the future of the Catholic Church. St John Paul II has bestowed upon us the great gift of the World Youth Day for it not only transforms our youth but also the host country.

From Luke Donnelly:

Today we had a slower day, opting to have catechesis and mass as a group in the hotel.

His Grace listened to each of us share our reflections to this point and then provided a summary of what he had heard in line with our catechism.

Following this time, Fr. Adrian celebrated mass for us in the meeting room of the hotel. The intimacy of this session was a special time for us to come together, reconcile with our thoughts and become closer as a group.

The evening was spent at the Way of the Cross where we experienced the stations of the cross with the Pope.

Tomorrow we will begin our pilgrimage to the site of the evening Vigil and Final Mass.

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