Youth ministers urged to ‘start now’
After nearly two years of lockdowns and COVID restrictions, Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia has relaunched its Youth Ministry formation program called The Academy.
In collaboration with Australian Catholic University, vocational direction and five bonus ATAR points are up for grabs for Archdiocesan Year 11 and 12 Catholic students taking part.
The Academy’s program is unique in providing recognition at a university level and a pathway for students to work as youth ministers in parishes and schools after they complete Year 12.
Nathan Galea, Catholic Education’s Project Officer for Evangelisation, is delighted with the enthusiasm and willingness of the 100 students taking part in the faith-based program.

Archbishop Prowse prays with students at the launch of ‘The Academy’
“It’s a great encouragement for the students that their hard work is now recognised at a university level,” he said.
“The training The Academy provides ensures a bedrock of faith which will assist them in their chosen careers, particularly if they pursue Catholic teaching training.”
Archbishop Prowse, who met the students, commented how amazed he was at their ability to articulate their faith.
“It was a great opportunity for the Archbishop to spend time with the students and encourage them and pray with them,” Mr Galea said.
“It was clear his individual commissioning of each student had a significant impact on them.”
The Archbishop told the students that he wanted to work alongside them, encouraging them to participate fully in The Academy’s programs.
“Here’s your opportunity,” he said. “Don’t wait until you’ve finished year 12. Then you say, ‘I’ll wait until I finish university.’ Then you say, ‘I’ll wait until I have enough money.’ Then, ‘I’ll wait until I’m married and have children.’ Then you’ll find that you’re waiting in the cemetery, and you’ve done nothing. Start now. Christianity is now.”
The CSYMA Academy program has four modules and is available for students via an app.