100 days at school for St Joey’s Goulburn kinders

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Remember when you were young… REALLY young… and days and weeks went on FOREVER?

On Friday the 26th of July, our precious St Joseph’s Kindergarten students celebrated their 100th day at school.

To help celebrate this achievement, the children and staff came dressed as an older person.

Parents and carers joined us to rotate through a variety of activities all to do with 100. The activities involved literacy, maths and fitness tasks that we could achieve in 100 seconds.

To finish our celebration we shared 100 cupcakes and enjoyed a picnic lunch with our families.

Margot McKenzie & Sharon Attard
Kindergarten teachers, St. Josephs PS Goulburn

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  • Sr Colleen 5 years

    Congratulations Kindergarten at St Joseph’s on your first 100 days at school.     I hope you are all enjoying school and working hard.  Lots of love.  Sr Colleen