Archdiocesan Women’s Plenary Consultation moves into second stage

Some of the people present for the first Consultation Day in September. Photo supplied.
The second stage of the Catholic Women’s Consultation will be held on Saturday December 1, from 10am to 2 pm at St Francis Xavier College, Florey.
Building on the successful initial consultation on 8 September, this event will enable recommendations to be prepared for submission to Plenary 2020. In addition, a bold and practical vision for an Archdiocesan women’s group will be developed.
Social researcher Hugh Mackay says “Trust in the major institutions, politics, the church, the banks, …has declined… we are more cynical and more sceptical than we were 25 years ago, there’s a lot of disillusionment, a lot of disappointment about that.”
Sr Clare Condon, who co-facilitated the initial consultation, said, “Yes, women expressed disappointment and a loss of trust in the Catholic Church. However, they were also hopeful and ready to be part of renewing the Church. “
“In reviewing the data from the first consultation”, said Dr Sally Liddy, “I was struck by the yearning for greater inclusion, transparency and accountability within the Church.”
More than one hundred women attended the first consultation. The new venue at St Francis Xavier College is expected to enable even greater interaction and consultation in a framework of discernment.
As early December is a busy time for many, and travel to Canberra is not possible for all who wish to be involved, responses can be made through an online form.
Women who were unable to be part of the first consultation are welcome to attend second stage.
To register visit or call Jacinta on 6201 9861.
I missed the first session, and will miss the second session because of prior commitments. However, I would like to hear the results of both sessions. I am considering attending the Adelaide Women’s Conference if I can arange circumstances to fit in.