Barnie van Wyk: Looking back on 2019

So this is Christmas and what have you done?

Christmas is a time for reflection, so the Catholic Voice asked twelve prominent Catholics to share their thoughts on 2019

Barnie van Wyk, CEO St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn

Highlight of 2019

Annette and I celebrated our 25-year wedding anniversary with a fantastic holiday. And St Vincent de Paul Soci­ety Canberra/ Goulburn had the best CEO Sleepout ever.

A low point

Witnessing the destructive impact of the drought on families. The Govern­ment asked Vinnies to help in provid­ing $3,000 cash payments to farmers, farm workers and farm suppliers/con­tractors in 122 drought-affected areas.

A professional achievement

Honoring my parents by reflecting on their wisdom and lifelong commitment to community and people.

A personal achievement

A personal goal was to keep my fitness levels up amid a gruelling schedule. I am happy to tick the box and managed to shed a couple of kilos as well – all prepared for Christmas dinner.

Something I have learned

Recently in a meeting a colleague seemed distracted. When I learned the reason I realized I should always be mindful that I have no idea what has happened in someone’s life in the 10 minutes before I meet them.

A news event that affected me

I recently saw a documentary on poverty in third world countries and how countries in pursuit of wealth and resources are impacting on the envi­ronment, community and humanity. Is that the legacy we want to leave?

How I approach 2020

How often do we arrive at our work­place with a smile? It is an amazing ‘thing’ and extremely contagious. I will be smiling more and wish to use the opportunity to pray for a safe and blessed Christmas for all.

In the 12 days leading up to Christmas we will be sharing daily reflections looking back on 2019. You can find the other reflections here.


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