Do I give thanks?

Have you ever given a present to someone and not received any thanks from the person receiving the gift? Parents often have this experience when they have cooked a nice meal, and no one acknowledges the love and effort given to preparing the meal. St Paul reminds us today that if we believe in Christ, then we can be confident that he is working in us and through our talents. Not because we have anything to boast about but rather that God has gifted us with talents to be shared. 

When we look at ourselves and see nothing good or valuable, we are a bit like children not noticing the goodness that their parents have given. To acknowledge the gifts we have and be confident that God has given them to us frees us to evangelize and minister the Good News to others. Humility is truth. Truth recognizes and gives glory to God for the goodness and beauty we see. When we are free enough to see our worth and beauty that stems from God, we will share this gift with the world.

Lord, give us the eyes to see your gifts in our lives so we may be able to share them with others.



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