Fala’s friendly face offering faith on the road

Archbishop Christopher Prowse met up with Queanbeyan parishioner and bus driver Fala Faatamala recently and asked him how he expressed his faith through the performance of his job.

“I’m always talking to the customers about my faith,” Fala said.

“If I see someone looking upset or something I tell them `God loves you.’”

Fala, a remarkably positive person, was named the NSW Regional Bus Driver of the Year in 2016 in recognition of hi outstanding contribution to the Bus and Coach industry.

The award noted that Fala had driven school, route and charter buses for his employer since 2000.  

“His employer receives regular compliments from passengers,” the award states. 

“Fala greets all customers in a polite and friendly manner and that he goes out of his way to assist passengers. This has included helping elderly passengers on and off the bus, patiently assisting passengers with a disability to get to their destination, and waiting for school children who are running late for their bus. 

The award further notes that Fala  leads the depot in a range of community events including the annual Kids for Cancer rally and often has kids suffering from cancer on his bus during the convoy.

Fala believes it’s important to bring a positive approach and a welcoming nature to your work and said he sees this as being compatible with the practice of your faith.

“Don’t be afraidto explain to people about your faith, and you’ll be strong,“ Fala said.

 “God is always good.”



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