Helen Delahunty: Looking back on 2019
So this is Christmas and what have you done?
Christmas is a time for reflection, so the Catholic Voice asked twelve prominent Catholics to share their thoughts on 2019

Helen Delahunty, Archdiocesan Financial Administrator
Highlight of 2019
I love the preparation for Christmas and the end of the year celebrations. We truly have plenty to celebrate in this country.
A professional achievement
2019 saw a lot of change in the office – retirements, new babies, resignations – but the highlight was the amount of work done each and every day to support our Archdiocese in getting the essential work done. Our staff are so diligent and loyal and we touch many people in our work.
A personal achievement
I have had a year of deciding that I needed to be lighter – so I have lost weight – and I feel on top of the world!
A low point
I can’t really think of a low point – am I wearing rose coloured glasses? I hope I do, as every day has its challenges, but they are more than matched by our achievements.
Something I have learned
I am constantly learning, and this year I learned that time is your enemy. It goes so much faster than I anticipate, and so trying to outrun the calendar is my major focus. Sometimes it works – other times not so much.
A news event that affected me
The general lack of rain and the changes we are seeing in our environment affects me. I grew up on a farm, where Dad talked about the weather every single day. It still is a big part of my daily life, and it is distressing to think we are in a new normal in terms of weather changes.
How I approach 2020
2020 is a new year, an exciting year to anticipate. Although we can’t be sure what will come our way, we will continue to work hard, that much is certain.
In the 12 days leading up to Christmas we will be sharing daily reflections looking back on 2019. You can find the other reflections here.