Jesuit farewell – Prayers of the Faithful

Beth Doherty. Photo: Luwyl Ambida.
On the Feast of St Ignatius Loyola, July 31 2019, a farewell Mass was held for the departing Jesuit community of Canberra. These are the Prayers of the Faithful from that Mass.
- On this feast of St Ignatius Loyola, we pray for our pope Francis. May his Ignatian vision continue to inspire our Church, finding God in all things, and discerning the greater good. Lord Hear Us.
- We pray in thanks for the ministry of the Jesuits here in Canberra this past half century. May the Jesuits continue to proclaim boldly the faith that does justice. Lord Hear Us.
- We pray for the Church of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese. Bless our archbishop Christopher. May we continue to give expression to the joys and hopes of the people of God as we prepare for the Plenary Council. Lord Hear Us.
- Gathered on Ngunnawal land, we pray for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. May they be accorded due recognition of their place in Australian life. Lord Hear Us.
- Here in our national capital, we pray for our Parliament, our government and our legal system. May all those vested with public trust act in the best interests of the community, with a special care for the poor and vulnerable. Lord Hear Us.
- We pray for those who have gone before us. We remember particularly the deceased Jesuits who have lived and worked here in Canberra – John Eddy, Brian Murphy, Con Finn, Sean Monahan, Bede Doyle, James Muirhead, James Flynn, Brian Buxton, Bede Lowery, and Paul Duffy. May they rest in peace. Lord Hear Us.
- The Jesuits are committed to seeking God’s will, promoting discernment, walking with the poor, accompanying the young, and collaborating in our care for the earth, our common home. We pray that we may all continue to walk this journey together wherever we may be. Lord hear us.