Students share their ‘Christmas Wish’

Catholic Students from across the Archdiocese share with the Catholic Voice their Christmas Wish for 2020.

I wish for Christmas that all the people in the world have water to drink and food to eat. I hope they have shelter and a safe place to sleep at night.

I want to give books to the poor so they can get educated. I want to give food to people in need and who are hungry. 

I would like to give some toys to the little boys and girls that don’t have any, to make them happy. 

Sophia, Year 5, Mt Carmel School Yass

Everyone would agree that 2020 has been a challenging year, but as Christians we know to have faith and hope. Baby Jesus is a great symbol of hope and as we prepare for Christmas we should let Baby Jesus remind us that we can be hopeful for better times ahead. 

Olivia, Year 6, St Patrick’s Primary School Gundagai

This Christmas I wish that COVID-19 would just go away! I wish people would be nice to each other and that there will be no violence or wars in people’s houses and countries, and that everyone can have joyful and happy times with friends and family.

Peter, Year 5, St. Joseph’s Primary Boorowa

We would like to wish everyone a safe and joyful end to a challenging year and pray that 2021 brings happiness and opportunities to all in our Archdiocese. We hope that, after facing many challenges this year, we have a greater appreciation for what we have.

Year 12 2021 Student Representatives, St Mary MacKillop College, Tuggeranong

Imagine a world with no poverty. Imagine no one was homeless, no one was sad or poor. Imagine everyone was happy. So many people in our world don’t have the things we take for granted. My Christmas wish is to end poverty and have a world of equality for all.

Jaz, Year 5, St Bernard’s Primary School, Batemans Bay

We wish that businesses affected by corona can recover and rebuild what was destroyed. We hope that all of the workers who had to endure the worst of the pandemic can rest and have a fulfilling holiday and that families affected can recover and mourn what they have lost.

Jett, Year 8, Hennessy Catholic College, Young 

My Christmas wish is to cook food and tell Santa to deliver it to the people.

Essie, Kinder, St Joseph’s Primary School, Bombala 

My Christmas wish this year is for all of the Australian farmers to have a good harvest. After three years of drought, I hope that this year is a better year. 

Liam, St Mary’s War Memorial Primary, West Wyalong

I wish for the world to be peaceful and free from wars. I want there to be no criminals or any violent things. People should be nice to one another. The world God made was to be peaceful. We need to be kind to each other and follow God’s commandments.

Keaton, Year 5, Good Shepherd Primary Amaroo

This year has bought many changes to society. It started with the bushfires that hit our beloved land earlier this year. This Christmas I ask that everything that was destroyed is restored. I ask for the trees to grow green again and the homes to be rebuilt. I know that the people that were lost in the fires can never be replaced but I ask that their loved ones find peace and hope for their futures ahead. 

Lara Year 9 St Clare’s College, Griffith 

My 2020 Christmas wish is to spend time with my family and remember Jesus because if Jesus wasn’t born, we all would not have Christmas. We should be thankful for all we have. It can even be as simple as going through your clothes and donating some to charity or making some cards. Maybe if someone is holding a money can you could put some money in it. Let’s make the world a better place. 

Molly, Year 3, Ss Peter and Paul’s School, Goulburn 

When the thought of Christmas comes to mind, you think of presents, parties and hot meals, but there are people out there for which Christmas is just another painful day in their lives. I wish them this year and every other a hope-filled and happy Christmas. 

I wish 2021 to be a better one, the pandemic to be over, with and bushfires to retire, and our world to recover. 

Sajika, Year 7, Hennessy Catholic College, Young 

We hope all people will unite to hear ‘The Cry of the Earth and The Cry of the Poor’ this Christmas. For those who are displaced including the homeless, refugees, migrants or loved ones who are unable to be with family due to the pandemic, may they be comforted by the love, peace and JOY of Jesus. 

Gracie, Alannah, and Nicola, St Vincent’s Primary Aranda. 

This year was filled with unfortunate obstacles which we have overcome as a community. We have built better relationships, mended bridges, and our faith has become stronger. My wish is for those who are not as fortunate and who have suffered severely due to COVID and the bushfires, that they feel surrounded by Christ’s love and that their families have a blessed Christmas. 

Lexi, Year 10, Lumen Christi Catholic College, Pambula. 

My Christmas wish for 2020 is that society can take the coronavirus as an opportunity to rehabilitate the earth in the same way it has done to itself during the lockdown. We need to care for our common home and God’s creation, which includes allowing the earth to get to a healthier state, so the planet’s most vulnerable aren’t facing the effects so greatly. 

Luke, Year 11, St Francis Xavier College, Florey 

My Christmas wish from this year is hard to decide because this year has been so difficult with the bushfires, the floods and especially COVID-19. But after a lot of time thinking about it, I have finally come up with a Christmas wish. My Christmas wish for this year is for everyone to have hope, a lot of hope for next year. 

Jazmyn, St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Calwell 

My Christmas wish is for all those who are homeless, to have a Merry Christmas and be fed, watered and have access to basic human rights, such as personal hygiene. I hope that they feel the warm touch of God’s hand resting upon them and understand the real meaning of Christmas. 

Brigid, Year 6, St Benedict’s Primary Narrabundah




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  • Christine Riley 4 years

    I enjoyed reading these small stories from the school children.