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  • Catherine 12 months

    When Fr. Oliver first arrived in Australia he served with Fr Michael Mullen in Goulburn. Supply priests. They were is magnificent team… young and old. 
    Next encounter with Fr Oliver was at a Legion of Mary retreat at Gaylong. Wonderful.
    God’s best blessings for this new arrangement in the National Capital.

  • Beth Gibson 12 months

    This sounds like an interesting sort of ‘hybrid model’ and it’s good to see it is being tried. 
    While it can make all sorts of ‘common sense’ to completely amalgamate parishes and create a ‘new one’, this can have the unintended consequence of minimising or even negating the strong community bonds people experience in their own parish, especially when people who ‘built the parish’ are still participating in its life.
    Parish is like a family in that we share history and tradition. Even if there are tensions and differences of opinions from time to time, we still consider ourselves as belonging together, and it is quite hard for many people to shift that perspective to readily feel equally ‘at home’ within a new, bigger parish. I hope the parishes of the Inner North can retain and celebrate their ongoing individual parish life, while enjoying the benefits of hopefully streamlined administrative arrangements.