Wordpress (3)
  • Colleen 3 years

    Aren’t the priests from overseas committed to a life within the Archdiocese.  Are they only here for a short period of time?  We need stability and continuity within our parishes.  Let us pray for priestly vocations within our Australian young men!

  • Jackie Nelson 3 years

    We have learnt a lot from the way they share their faith. I was fortunate to have joined fr George doing the communion in the home whilst he was in Cooma. I am very grateful to him for the Farwell service for my Aunt in Tumut on Christmas eve 2020 she was not a catholic but had requested to have him preform her Farwell prayer service
    Thank you to you all

  • Luis 3 years

    It is a great thing these priests are doing for us, which i know is not always appreciated as it should be. I am reminded of a friend of Italian descent who was critical of the Irish priesthood in Australia, a few generations ago now, because they did not ‘fit in’. Being Irish I could not resist pointing out that were there more Australian priests , these men would not need to respond to the call, and leave hearth and home where they fitted right in, to provide the sacraments half a world away.
    As the confirmation sponsor of the son of a Yoruba man many years ago, I particularly welcome our Nigerian priest(s) and hope that any from Samoa are able to encourage congregational singing of the memorable standard I enjoyed so much there.
    I have long suspected the predominately Irish origins of the Australian church may well be to blame for lackadaisical singing by many Australian congregations, as any inclination to sing with conviction would have been frowned on by a congregation which was permitted no church building and had deliberately chosen its Carraig an Aifrinn or Mass Rock/altar in an isolated part of the parish to avoid detection/persecution by the authorities. Old traditions die hard they say.