St Clare’s says farewell to the Class of 2019

Principal Brad Cooney receiving the Year 12 gift from Laura van der Linden, 2019 College Captain
On Friday 15 November St Clare’s College officially said farewell to Year 12, 2019. Teachers and parents were invited to share breakfast with the students after the whole school gathered for the Year 12 final College Assembly.
Principal Brad Cooney addressed the students acknowledging their impact on the College community over the past six years.
College Captain for 2020 Analise Greenhalgh congratulated and thanked the year group on behalf of the student body.
2019 College Captain Laura van der Linden addressed the students: “All the students have taught us that being a true St Clare’s girl means being the fullest version of ourselves.

Joanna O’Connell and Ella Hickey
Our hearts are full as we say goodbye to St Clare’s and all of you. We might be over schoolwork, over assignments, over orals and over exams, but we are not over being a St Clare’s girl. This school has formed us and shaped us into fuller versions of ourselves and I know we will always be St Clare’s girls.”
Ashley Tang, Arts and Culture Captain, commented: “St Clare’s College has offered me a holistic and reinvigorating journey to grow and shape my identity as a determined young woman.
“The College has provided a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, enabling me to pursue my passion.
“I have been fortunate to encounter God through intimate experiences within the school setting which has helped develop my spirituality.
“I am extremely grateful for the lifelong friendships I have made, and bonds I have developed with my teachers and mentors at the College, fostered by interpersonal and valuable learning experiences.”
Year Coordinator Kym Darmody has journeyed with the class of 2019 for the past six years.
“2019 sees us celebrating the graduation of another fantastic group of young ladies,” Mrs Darmody said.
“We have come to the end of this important chapter in their lives and it has been a significant journey, one they should all be proud of.

Christine Sarji, Palak Sanghotra, Ashley Tang, Gian Yumul, Sonia Gheevarghese and Cristina Munoz
“Over the years the encouragement to “Seek Wisdom” has been embraced by the cohort in ways that encompassed academic achievements, social justice initiatives, sporting and performing arts opportunities, leadership and mentoring roles. The world is an ever-changing place and our graduating class are ready to face the challenges that life after school will bring.”
The students will formally finish their time at the College with a Graduation Mass and Award Ceremony on December 5, followed by their Formal Dinner the next day.
Caroline Lanzon is the Media and Marketing Officer at St Clare’s College Canberra